
Among the random bits of code I’ve done for school, work, and pleasure, a few were important enough to me to share. Most of my time is spent with work code these days, but I’ll always have some fond memories for these early explorations:

  • Twister – This is a super simple script I made to allow Twister where ever you have a browser.
  • Petal Program – Variation of Hangman using petals of a flower.  The neat thing is that it uses the HTML5 canvas tag.  It’s not really pretty and is by no means secure (check out changeclues.php for an example), but it’s kind of neat and does actually work.  It can even be modified to run without a web server, but this is left as an exercise for the reader. 😉
  • Puzzle Generator – Small program that takes in a list of words and a list of definitions, then creates a small puzzle.  Each piece of the puzzle is a square with two words and two definitions along the sides.  All the squares fit together into a larger square such that words and the corresponding definitions are next to each other in the final puzzle.  Released under the GPL.
  • Random Chooser – Another little program designed to take a list of items and return randomly generated groups of items.  It’s a general use program, but to facilitate easier use in specific situations, I took my first crack at an API.  It’s pretty lousy, but you have to start somewhere, right?  It comes pre-bundled with two specialty programs for drawing names from a hat and making X number of groups (or groups with X number of people in each group).
  • Indeed Count (PDF) – Remember the TV show Stargate SG-1?  I sure do.  It’s one of my favorite shows of all time.  One character, Teal’c (played by Christopher Judge) had this thing where he would use the word “indeed” A LOT.  Being curious, and having a ton of free time one summer, I sat down and watched every episode, counting how many times Teal’c said “indeed”.  Total count: 143.  This doesn’t take into account the movies.  This is just the series.